
Arched, enclosed or piped structures, constructed to carry water under roads, railways and buildings. Commonly made from concrete, but may be constructed from brick, metal or other building materials. Culverts either carry the full river flow through a single arch, or through multiple arches.

Do not enter any culverts.

Some culverts may be a kilometre or more long, passing under fields, roads, residential and industrial areas. In such cases the location of many cRHS spot-checks may have to be estimated from maps obtained previously. Entries for spot-checks in a culvert will normally simply enable ‘CV’ to be recorded as the modification, and the appropriate land-use noted. All other entries should be ‘NV’ (not visible) or ‘NK’ (not known) as appropriate unless the culvert is short and a clear view can be gained without entering it, or compromising the safety of the surveyor.

Example of a Culvert