SECTION A: Field Survey Details, Survey Information


Site reference

Surveyors should enter their own unique reference number/name for the site, and replicate it on the left hand corner on each page of the form. Try to make the site reference unique so that you can easily identify it.  Photos should also contain the site reference. The RHS Toolbox will generate a unique site number following data entry and upload to the online data repository.

River name

Enter the name appearing on the map, if available, including Welsh or Gaelic names. Include alternative names if two are given on the map. Unnamed headwater tributaries should be categorised as such, but refer to the named mainstream watercourse (e.g. tributary of......Eden). In these cases it is not necessary to enter the words ‘Afon’ ('river' in Welsh') or ‘River’.


The time of survey, as well as the date, is important because this could be useful regarding significant observations (e.g. pollution) and in relation to gauged river flow information.

Surveyor name

Surveyor name must be entered on the form. If you are a certified surveyor, enter your certification number.