About Marc Naura

RHS trainer and developer

Map of RHS sites in Britain

A map of existing Environment Agency River Habitat Survey (RHS) sites carried out from 1997 to 2012 in Britain is now available in the ‘RHS map’ section.


The map displays basic information on survey points along with score results for 2 habitat quality indices describing the level of modifications and impacts by human activity (the Habitat Modification Score – HMS) and the diversity of habitats (the Habitat Quality Score – HQA). The HMS classes can be displayed as a thematic map.

The map was built using the OS OpenSpace API interface and includes background Ordnance Survey maps down to 1:10000 scale OS StreetView level.

Depending on demand and the availability of RHS data to the public, more information on individual sites may be made available in the future. If you have any suggestions or questions, please use the discussion forum ‘Website’ section (you will first need to register to get access to the forum).

Detailed information on RHS surveys can be obtained from the Environment Agency RHS team. Any questions, please use the discussion forum.

You can also follow new developments on tweeter @riverhabitats.

Technical RHS blog

This technical blog and website is the result of recent training sessions where questions were asked about aspects of the methodology not fully covered by the River Habitat Survey manual (see resource section for a copy of the manual).

I will post regular updates on the blog and I will eventually compile them as technical updates that I will put in the resource section. I will also post information about training courses on this blog. You can subscribe to that blog if you wish to be kept informed on new developments.

Please feel free to provide any comments or suggestions. There is also a forum where you can ask questions to myself and other trainers and experienced surveyors.